
We Believe that Movement is Medicine.

Movement is Medicine when it comes to massage therapy. There are several different kinds of massage when finding the right treatment for your body. 

If you’re unsure which style of msaage is right for you, we will be happy to assess your unique needs and treat them accordingly. 

Sports massage is proven to release and reduce tension in muscles, improve circulation and encourage the removal of waste products such as lactic acid during high intensity activity and can help to relax the body. All of this helps promote recovery and reduces the chance of muscle injury.

Swedish massages involve using light, gentle strokes. This is meant to be relaxing and calming.

Deep tissue massage targets chronic tension in muscles that lie far below the body’s surface. Deep muscle techniques involve slow strokes, direct pressure or friction movements that go across the muscle grain.

Chair massage – also known as seated massage – is a type of massage that takes place on an traditional massage chair, designed to take the weight off the spine and give easy access to the head, neck, back, shoulders and arms. The massage is most commonly done over the clothes and does not require oils or creams.

Kinesiology tape stabilizes the injured area by lightly adhering to the skin and applying pressure to the tissues the tape is wrapped around. This tape allows the connective tissue surrounding the affected muscle or tendon to move along with the body.

Massage Tools for Better Results

Roller Bed

The roller table helps by creating motion which can stretch the spinal joints and improve movement. It does this by mobilizing the spinal column while simultaneously stretching the muscles and ligaments. The patient lies face up on the table while the rollers beneath the surface gently move up and down the spine.


The roller table helps by creating motion which can stretch the spinal joints and improve movement. It does this by mobilizing the spinal column while simultaneously stretching the muscles and ligaments. The patient lies face up on the table while the rollers beneath the surface gently move up and down the spine.

Guasha Stone

Gua sha stones are a tool used to relieve tension, sculpt skin, and increase circulation. They are traditionally made of jade or quartz, but plastic options are also available.

Massage Gun

Massage guns, which are also called percussion massagers, are handheld devices that use vibration and deep oscillation to massage irritated muscles

A positive Attitude

A positive attitude can reduce stress and anxiety, and increase confidence and happiness. Stephen always has a smile on his face when he knows he is helping others. 


Habit & Fitness Trackers to Help Meet Your Health Goals

Movement is Medicine.

I am a massage therapist because of the fascinating approach massage therapy has on wellness, the results that can be obtained, and the personal relationships that can be built.

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