
Session Durations

Depending on your needs, you may need additional time for effective results.

60 Minutes

$ 75
  • Targeted 60-minute massage will focus on problem areas. that will aid releasing tension in many parts of the body.

90 Minutes

$ 100
  • Restoration 90-minute massage will treat the whole body as well as targeted soreness, reduce pain and increase mobility.

120 Minutes

$ 120
  • Recovery 2-hour whole body sesson allows for a more thorough approach to deliver lasting results that can help improve your quality of life and recovery.

Additional Service Costs


Onsite Events

Armored Massage can travel! Hire us to be onsite for your soccer, ruby, CrossFit event. This would include 4 hours plus travel within a 25 mile radius.


KT Tape

Get tape to help you perform your best.


Habit & Fitness Trackers to Help Meet Your Health Goals

Movement is Medicine.

I am a massage therapist because of the fascinating approach massage therapy has on wellness, the results that can be obtained, and the personal relationships that can be built.

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